Construction Audits
Our Experts Can Save You Money!!!!!!!
We have performed Construction Audits for our Clients leading to saving in cost. Our team consists of real world construction experts. Clients are benefited with improve Project Success Rates, Reduce risk, Excellent change management, Improved Resource Utilization and Improved Relationships.
We do not take the place of your architect, engineer, audit staff, or project manager; we supplement their services by taking the necessary, detailed financial review of your construction project and your construction contracts to the next level—beyond what they would do.
Site Tiger aim of the Construction Audit is to answer following questions:
- To identify actual and potential over payment, over charge, if any.
- Did the project proceed according to plan?
- Have original and change order costs, reported by vendors been properly classified, accurately summarized, consistently treated and directly attributable to a specific asset?
- Are cost overages reasonable and allowable under contract guidelines?
- Is the process for procuring contractors, architects and other vendors competitive and fair?
- Did the project adhere to original design plans and contract requirements?
- Is the value of finished projects consistent with the overall costs incurred?
- Is there over costing?
- Is there unnecessarily expensive materials?
- Poor management and/or inspection leading to poor construction execution?
- Acting as independent adviser to consider issues arising between parties in collaborative arrangements
- Assessing the merits of contractual claims
- For”Turnkey Construction Projects”our services for Construction Audit Includes:
- Verification of all project costs incurred by the contractor, including proper payroll, overhead, and administrative costs.
- Verification of all taxes.
- Assessment of costs incurred as a result of factors beyond the control of the owner, which, as such, may not be the responsibility of the owner.
- Verification of methods used by the contractor to develop the final billing, including proper credits for discounts or refundable deposits
- If appropriate, verification that proper bidding procedures were followed for subcontractors.
- Reconciliation of all alternates and allowances.
- Verification that all costs charged to the job are for this job and that any unused materials or tools are properly credited to the owner.
- Verification that equipment rental rates are not inflated on equipment owned by the contractor.
- Verification of all change order costs
- Confirmation of receipt of all lien releases, as-built and warranty manuals.